Tóm tắt
Introduction: Poultry slaughterhouses in Thaibinh City still use manual practices and therefore, the risk of infectious disease from poultry to humans remains high. Methods: This is a cross-sectional epidemiological study conducted among 105 slaughterhouses and 226 poultry butchers. The aim was to describe sanitation in poultry slaughterhouses and examine knowledge and understanding of correct practices for f e the prevention of disease transmission from poultry to humans. Results. The slaughtering process is manual and on a small scale. There was no proper wastewater treatment found in most of slaughterhouses.; The majority (91.2%) of slaughtermen had understood how to prevent diseases transmitted from poultry to humans and approximately 60% of butchers used protective clothing. There is a need to improve the standard of slaughter houses in Vietnam and the standards of food safety and veterinary hygiene and it is recommended that educational programs for butchers should be widely promoted along
with the development of slaughtering-focused areas based on the standards of food safety and veterimary hygiene.
Từ khóa
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