Different information sources students access for safe sex information and attitudes toward sexuality of Ha Noi high school students
The aim of this study is to explore high school students’ attitudes toward sexual intercourse at high school ages and to identify the different information sources which students had accessed for information and knowledge regarding safe sex. With the sample size of more than 1330 respondents, the results showed that on average each students had accessed 3.4 out of 6 different information sources that provided information on this topic. The proportions of students who had received/achieved safe sex information from indirect sources such as internet, social networks, mass media was higher than from direct sources: their parents, teachers and their friends. The percentage of male students reporting sexual intercourse was higher than female students and at the same time, they were also the respondents who had received safe sex information from direct sources at very low rate in comparison to female students. The results
have implications for improving the schools’ and parents’ roles and their responsibilities in educating and communicating with high school students on reproductive health and safe sex.
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