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Open Journal Systems

Gaps between the situation and the needs of receiving information about reproductive health among adolescents at a high school of rural area in the north of Viet Nam

Huong Lien Luu, Thuy Hanh Thi Nguyen


Introduction: Adolescents today have access to several sources of information about reproductive health and so they should have good knowledge and good practices about safe sex. But in fact, many studies have shown that knowledge and the practice safe sex by adolescents was as not good as expected. Therefore, it is important to explore the sources and needs for information about reproductive health to improve information levels is essential. Methods: This is a cross sectional study at the High School Number 2, Hiep Hoa District, Bac Giang Province in 2015 usingcombined qualitative and quantitative research methods. A total of 642 students from 3 grades were included in the study and from them, 42 students were randomly selected to join in
depth interviews and focus group discussions. Results: About 54% of students had received information about reproductive health, but 33% did not consider the information was enough or did not meet their needs (13.4%). Among students, 77.0% of them wanted to be provided knowledge on this issue, especially through outdoor activities at the school (50.6%). The forms that they liked to be provided knowledge including sharing with experts, playing games and consulting directly. The form they liked most was sharing with experts about issues of reproductive health which they pay attention (63.3%). Conclusions: The information about reproductive health that students received did not meet their needs. Students had some diffi culties when receiving or fi nding information about reproductive health. However, they still had a high demand of being informed about certain contents of reproductive health that they thought useful at school.


reproductive health; information; student; need; adolescent

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