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Open Journal Systems

Rights based-approach understanding of sexual and reproductive health and rights among adolescents in Thua Thien Hue province, vietnam

Mai Thuy Doan To, Cong Hoang Quach


Introduction: After more than twenty years of exploring and promoting globally Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), the majority of Vietnam adolescents are still not able to claim their rights. The study evaluates youth’s knowledge, attitude, and demand; and determine the factors which infl uence the current knowledge, attitude of adolescents about SRHR. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study using a mixed method approach. For quantitative research, 3080 students (aged 1118 years) fi lled in a self-administered structured questionnaire. A two-stage sampling method was performed, based on the student proportion of high schools in Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam. For qualitative research, focus group discussions were conducted with four distinct groups of students and six personal interviews were held with teachers and local authorities. Result: The research revealed that 68.8% of students wanted access to servicesbut only 32.2% of the students actually knew about SRHR. The knowledge of students about SRHR
was associated with age of the students and the education level of their respective mothers. The attitude of students to SRHR was related to the age and gender of the students; the marital status of their parents and the education level of mothers. Conclusion: As a fundamental human right, the improvement in the awareness and capacity of adolescents on SRHR plays a vital role in the promotion of sexual and reproductive comprehensive healthcare systems accessibility towards young people.


Sexual reproductive health and rights; knowledge; attitude; demand; adolescents; accessibility and law

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