Liver fluke infection in vietnam: A review
Introduction: Zoonotic trematode infections are an area of the neglected tropical diseases that have become of major interest to public health, including liver fl uke disease caused by Clonorchis, Opisthorchis, Fasciola and Paragonimus. Vietnam is in hot and humid tropics with a high rainfall. These are favorable conditions for the development of intestinal worms, including the liver fl uke. The liver fl uke is widely distributed throughout the country with different prevalence in each region.
Objectives: To summarize existing evidence on liver fl uke and foodborne zoonotic trematode infection, and to highlight the local characteristics of liver fl uke infections, including information on biological features, epidemiology, pathology and policies, and thus giving an appropriate insight into prevention and control of the diseases of liver fl uke and foodborne zoonotic trematodes in Vietnam.
Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted using the PubMed and ScienceDirect databases and data sources of National Institute of Malariology Parasitology and Entomology (NIMPE) in July 2016. The collected documents were summarized and categorized according to each research topic, related to liver fl uke in Vietnam.
Results: Totally, 31 references were included in this review (biological characteristics: 4; epidemiological characteristics: 8; Risk factors: 8; Health impacts of liver fl uke: 7; Prevention and treatment: 4). Most of the studies focused on epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of liver fl uke infection.
Conclusion: In Vietnam, the number of liver fl uke studies and its effects on human health are still limited. Therefore, It’s necessary to conduct further studies on a large scale in the community to fi nd out the causes, risk factors, high-risk areas, the disease caused by the liver fl uke and the long-term prevention solutions.
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