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Open Journal Systems

Health Economics in Vietnam: Health Financing and Economic Evaluation

Van Minh Hoang, Huy Lieu Duong, Le Tuan Pham


Health economics is a branch of economics that is concerned with how resources are allocated and used in health systems. Health economic research has recently received greater attentions from policy makers, managers, academia and other stakeholders of health system in Vietnam. However, as health economics is a relatively new area in Vietnam, evidence-based health economic research is still largely lacking in Vietnam. This special issue presents a collection of research papers that address selected health economic topics in Vietnam, including health financing and health economic evaluation.


Health economics; Vietnam; Health Financing; Economic Evaluation

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Hoang Van Minh, Kim Bao Giang, Tran Hung Minh, Quach Thu Trang: Financial burden of household out-of-pocket payment for reproductive health care in Vietnam: A study from 3 Northern provinces in Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Public Health 2014, vol 2, iss 2.

Nguyen Thanh Thuy, Touchanun Komonpaisarn, Vu Duy Kien : Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure among Households with NCD Patients and Its Relationship with Health Insurance Status: Findings from A Study in Urban in Hanoi, 2012. Vietnam Journal of Public Health 2014, vol 2, iss 2.

Doan Thi Thu Huyen, Hoang Van Minh: Willingness to Pay for Health Insurance among Informal Sector Workers: A Case Study from Hanoi Capital Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Public Health 2014, vol 2, iss 2.

Kim Bao Giang, Nguyen Kim Phuong, Hoang Van Minh, Ke Xu. Simulated systems of family based health insurance in Vietnam: Impact on health insurance coverage, necessary government investment and revenues of Vietnam Social Security. Vietnam Journal of Public Health 2014, vol 2, iss 2.

Bui Cam Nhung, Kim Bao Giang, Nguyen Hoang Thanh et al: Willingness to pay for a Quality Adjusted Life Year in Bavi district, Hanoi 2014. Vietnam Journal of Public Health 2014, vol 2, iss 2.

Nguyen Thi Tuyet My, Nguyen Xuan Thanh: Current state of health-related cost-effectiveness analyses in Vietnam: A literature review. Vietnam Journal of Public Health 2014, vol 2, iss 2.

Nguyen Hoang Thanh, Hoang Van Minh, Doan Thi Thu Huyen, Le Hong Chung, Nguyen Viet Hung: Use of Contingent Valuation Methods for Eliciting the Willingness to Pay for Sanitation in Developing Countries. Vietnam Journal of Public Health 2014, vol 2, iss 2.