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Open Journal Systems

Stigma Experiences among People with Schizophrenia in Central Vietnam

Diem Khanh Vuong Doan, Michael P Dunne, Thang Van Vo, Thang Binh Tran


Introduction: This study assesses experiences of stigma and its impact upon people with schizophrenia in central Vietnam, as well as examining socio-demographic and clinical predictors. Methods: The study was carried out in Hue city, Vietnam. 246 outpatients with schizophrenia (aged 21-65 years) were interviewed. Consumer Experiences of Stigma Questionnaire (CESQ) and The Stigma Impact Scale were used to evaluate stigma experiences and stigma impact. Results: The most common stigma-related experiences were being treated as less competent (63%), being viewed unfavourably (58%), unwilling concealing of mental condition (58%), and being avoided by others (53%). The highest impact of stigma was described by respondents on their access to employment and education. The degrees of stigma experience and stigma impact were found to be inversely proportional with family income and probability of recovery from schizophrenia. Conclusion: In this population, stigma experience is common and its impact is substantial.


Stigma experiences, Schizophrenic patients, Vietnam

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